Microsoft Teams for Education – How the project was technically driven forward

Senior Business Manager – Microsoft Solutions
@ ZILLIONe Technologies (Pvt) Ltd
With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyday lives around the country had been interrupted, forcing people to stay indoors, work from home whereas the entire population had been trapped inside their homes. In the meantime, the whole education system had been disrupted and the lessons had been halted since the students have no access to school or classes.
In response to the island-wide crisis of lack of access to educational routine and incapacity to perform physical lessons, ZILLIONe introduced remote learning with Microsoft Teams to schools and other educational institutes.
In having many schools on board with Microsoft Teams for remote learning, ZILLIONe has practically enabled thousands of students returning to their classrooms and lessons virtually. Now, students are back to school via the Microsoft Teams platform, while teachers are hosting online lessons along with online learning resources.

Introducing Microsoft Teams to Schools
As the initial stage of the entire process, the pre-sales team of ZILLIONe had visited each school in order have a discussion and understand their specific requirements, followed by a detailed analysis of schools’ requirements. Along with the gathered customer data followed by the project proposal which was carried forward to the next stage upon receiving the confirmation from the schools.
Next was the most critical process which was user account creation. Once the required information was gathered, team ZILLIONe created Microsoft accounts for the teachers and the students along with all the channels and online classrooms on Microsoft Teams as per the schools’ requirements, whereas all the students have been added to their respective classes.
The login details of each student, including the email address and password was then shared with the school administration in order to have shared them across the students.

Training & Submission
After completion of the implementation, team ZILLIONe carried out multiple training sessions separately for school administration, teachers and students. In the meantime, advanced training has been provided to the ICT teachers along with an effective Q&A session to clear any sorts of doubts. Once all the required training sessions were performed, conducting online classrooms were commenced.

The ICT team of the schools would serve as the primary support and in any event of complex issues that are beyond their solving capabilities, team ZILLIONe would step in.
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